The Cow, Field & The Sky

‘The Cow, Field & The Sky’ was born as another curious attempt to paint with motion. Can a fundamental force, such as gravity, be used to narrate a story? Can randomness and order collaborate?

Similar questions led me to reflect on the subject and figure out ways to combine controlled and uncontrolled processes in order to generate compositions. The unpredictable result of an unguided action has defined the next step, and that is bridged to a random form in time. The collection of these random forms and motions then became a perfect playground in the end. I’ve always found it fascinating to both witness and also contribute at the same time to the emergence of such concepts.

Those mental images from the village where I grove up is one of the essential inspirations for my work. The farm where I went to grab milk every evening, stars which I thought walked with me, cows named after people, dogs, donkeys, and worms wandering around. Breeze. That smell, a mixture of earth, dung, grass, wood, and farmer woman’s cooking from the kitchen. And on my way back, same stars, upside-down this time.

Images that will be with me for the rest of my days.